
中学校(intermediate school)

こんにちは。先日娘のIntermediate school(中学校)が終了となり、めでたく娘は卒業となりました。









First, you run to school with a backpack full of things – Of course, not all of them are needed for school – and you silently skip to your class. Why? Because, if there is a teacher who just shouts at you for running in the corridors, you can just say that you’re skipping, not running. After you pull out everything from your bag and put it all in your desk, you either; Sleep, look at that day’s timetable, or go play with your friends. Until it is five minutes to the bell, you can carry on doing this. If you realise that it’s nearly time for the bell to ring, skip to class, as fast as you can. If you’re outside, that is. Running is not okay, so we need to make sure we’re skipping here. Now, when you get to class, you sit down on your seat, without a word. You don’t want the teacher spotting you being noisy and blaming you just because her makeup wasn’t so great that morning.

Now, in first class, you have to behave like you like what the teacher is saying. It doesn’t matter if you’re studying Maths or Physics – top two hated subjects in the class – or if it is P.E. If you behave well in the first class, your teacher will let you behave a little badly in the following classes. When the bell rings for recess and lunch, it’s time to walk outside and breathe in fresh air. You don’t know when you’re going to die, so breathing in fresh air is quite important.

Recess and lunch is the hardest time of day. Eating your food – while kicking a friend who’s feeling down – is harder than you’d expect. Kicking – a way to show compassion to others – has a wide variety of forms. You might want to jump-kick, or you might want to upper-punch-kick. By the way, upper-punch-kick is when you kick while upper-punching someone. Eating, kicking, and talking is not the only thing you’ll do in recess. You still need to add sleeping to the list. After all, sleeping is the best thing you can do in break times and lunch!


来年はSecondary school(High school)へ進学


そのおかげで娘のIntermediate school の生活はあまり充実したとも言い切れないものになりましたが、反対にインターネットでミーティングすることに相当慣れたとも言えるかなと思いました。失うものがあれば得るものもあるという事なのでしょうか。

来年は進学してSecondary school(High school)に通う事になりますが、来年こそはロックダウンがあまりない年になると良いなと思います。

